Abstract/ Paper for presentation in the conference are invited from Practitioners, Research Scholars and P.G. & U.G. Students. Authors are requested to send Abstract/ Paper by e-mail: brainymeetconf2k24@gmail.com

Conference Tracks: The conference invites papers around the following tracks (but not limited to): Submit all the papers which is comes under Dental and Oral Health

Conference Tracks:

1.      Dental and Oral Health

2.      Dentistry

3.      Dental Research

4.      Dental Education

5.      Dental Nursing

6.      Oral Hygiene

7.      Periodontics and Prosthodontics

8.      Dental Implants

9.      Endodontic

10.  Orthodontics

11.  Public Health Dentistry

12.  Pediatric Dentistry

13.  Geriatric and Ethno Dentistry

14.  Oral Problems

15.  Oral Cancer

16.  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

17.  Oral Microbiology and Pathology

18.  Preventive Dentistry or Dental Care

19.  Dental Instruments and Treatment Techniques

20.  Dental Pharmacology

21.  Forensic Dentistry and Nano dentistry

22.  Green Dentistry

23.  Laser Dentistry and Digital Dentistry

24.  Dental Marketing trends